Friday, March 12, 2010

Off the grid!

We watched a movie once where a man said that he was officially living óff the grid´because he didn~t have an address nor a telephone. Well there you have it, we are offically living off the grid! It is hard to believe that we have been living here in Brazil for over a month now. Life is very different here for us and also very difficult. I keep trying to remember all the interesting things we are encountering so that I don~t forget them and can recount them to you all ... We have to duck tape the diapers here as they are so cheap in quality but NOT cheap in price! The other day I told mom that I couldn~t figure out why our lights dim in the entire house when someone turns on the shower - her reply was that I should see what it does to her house when we turn on our shower! The electric supply passes from our house to theirs so they nearly lose power when we shower! We have used the banana crates we get when we buy bananas as night stands. Turn them upside down, put a pillow case over it and it is perfect, especially since our mattress is on the floor. The extra set of brown sheets that I put in have made great table clothes. I almost flipped out when I got up in the night to use the bathroom and there was a frog the size of a small dog sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor. I think that I finally got all of the proper documents to proceed with applying for permanent residence for my parents - the only catch is that here in Brazil, I am single (single with 11 children!!!) Please continue to pray for us - we desperately need transportation and still have no phone or internet. We miss and love all of you!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Join us in God's work!

On January 20th our family of 13 will load up on an airplane and fly off to Brazil where we will make Campina Grande do Sul our new home. Only Brad has seen where we will begin the next chapter of our lives. With much excitement and anticipation, we have been doing a lot to prepare for this huge move. God has clearly been leading us each step of the way. The doors open and He makes a way for us to walk through. Brad's landscape business of 15 years sold, the commercial property has been leased and our home leased in less than 2 weeks. These things are nothing short of a miracle in our economy today. We will be restoring a Children's Camp and assisting in the operation of the camp designed to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in an area hungering and searching for hope and life.